多言語たげんご 情報じょうほう コーナーこーなー

2020ねん2月号がつごう 英語えいご  English

1. The J-Alert communication training test held simultaneously in Japan

There will be a J-Alert communication training test throughout Japan from approximately 11:00 a.m. on Feb. 19, 2020, Wednesday. You will hear an announcement saying “This is a J-Alert test” from 185 speakers located on rooftops, emergency radios, and this station, FMKurara857. You will also hear a chime that will last for a short time and then stop.
J-Alert is a system designed to alert citizens instantly in case of emergency, such as a large-scale natural disaster or a missile attack.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance.

2. Tougher penalties for distracted vehicle drivers

Tougher penalties have been in effect since December 2019 for distracted vehicle drivers who drive while using mobile phones or staring at their car navigations. These penalties follow the revision of the Road Traffic Act in June 2019.
Distracted drivers could now face imprisonment of up to six months for talking on or looking at a mobile phone or device. The fine for such behavior will be up to ¥100,000.
In the case of standard-size vehicles, the fine is ¥18,000, and drivers will receive three penalty points deducted for such violations.
Distracted drivers who may cause endanger to other drivers could now face imprisonment of up to one year for using a mobile device. The maximum fine for such behavior is ¥300,000. (These do not included fines for minor charges.)
Drivers will have six penalty points deducted for this behavior, which means an immediate license suspension.
Distracted driving is a dangerous act that can easily lead to accidents. Let’s not behave in such a dangerous way.

3. The consultation service for non-Japanese people have been upgraded

Tochigi City International Center is pleased to announce that more languages than before can be used at our consultation service counter to support non-Japanese people who live in Tochigi City to solve their various problems.

At the service counter, staff will assist you. The staff will give you advice or instruction on immigration procedures, pensions, taxes, social insurance, healthcare, employments, labor conditions, childbirth, parental care, children's education, learning of the Japanese language, and so on.

They will also translate official certificates for you, such as a residence certificate, a birth certificate, and a marriage certificate, which are then submitted to an immigration office or the City Hall, if necessary.
The following languages can be used if you come to our consultation service counter : Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Filipino, Nepali, Thai, Korean, and Sinhalese. Any other languages will be translated by a translation machine.
Consultation services are available either at the service or through a telephone answering service from Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.. This service is free of charge and all consultations are confidential. Please take advantage of this service.
We look forward to meeting you.