多言語 情報 コーナー
2020年1月号 英語 English
1. About income tax return for 2019 at the Tochigi Tax Office
Foreign residents who have worked for a Japanese company for more than one year will have a part of their salary deducted as income tax. This is called “withholding”.
Then, when receiving the last paycheck of the year, the difference between the total annual amount of income tax withheld from the company and the annual tax amount that must be paid from the total annual salary will be calculated. This procedure is called the "end of year adjustment."
If you have dependents in Japan such as family members to whom you are sending money, but have not notified your employer and your company has not yet calculated a deduction for the end of year adjustment, you can file a tax return.
The tax return for 2019 will be filed starting on Monday, February 17, 2020, until Monday, March 16.
The venue to file your tax return is Katayanagi's large hall in Tochigi Chamber of Commerce.
For foreign residents, please prepare the following documents when you file a tax return: a copy of your withholding slip, copy of your residence card, proof of residence, and a copy of your bankbook.
In addition, if you have dependent relatives overseas, documents proving your relation and remittance documents will be required. If these documents are in a foreign language, please attach a Japanese translation.
To file just an income tax return, please use "Declaration Form A."
For detailed information on taxes as well as tax returns, please see the National Tax Agency website in English.
2. About the opening of the citizen affairs center and the postponement of the relocation of the community center
We announced in November, 2019 that the Citizens Affairs Center would be opened on April 1, 2020, but due to flood damage caused by Typhoon No. 19, repair work is required, so the opening has been postponed to July 1 st.
While it’s being repaired before the relocation, affairs of the Community Center will be held at the current location in Hinodecho.
Applications for room reservations for the new facility will be accepted from the first day of the month three months before the rental date. Reservations will be accepted from April 1, 2020.
We apologize for any inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
3. About the change of services for the bus and kura-taku
We are changing the services of the bus and kura-taku, which is a taxi service, so that it is easier to learn and use.
First of all, the fare of the bus is 200 yen no matter where you get on in the city. It will be 100 yen for those over 75 years old and free for children under elementary school age. Kura-taku costs 400 yen.
In addition, routes and timetables of the buses are revised depending on everybody’s requests. Also, a system will be introduced to show the current traveling position and arrival time of any bus at a glance.
The bus service will be changed from March 21, 2020, and the Kura-Taku service will be changed from April 1, 2020.
Please familiarize yourself with these services and feel free to use them.
4. About Dondoyaki
It ia a Japanese custom after Oshogatsu to celebrate what is called "Koshogatsu". One of the events that takes place during this time is called “Dondoyaki” where decoration used for Oshogatsu is piled up and burned.
Mochi is then cooked with the embers and eaten with the hope that the new year will be a healthy one without illness.
In Tochigi City, it will be held in two places, Fujioka and Nishikata, so be sure to experience this traditional Japanese event.
In the Fujioka area, the festival will be held on Saturday, January 18, from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm at the south of Fujioka General Athletics Park. If the weather on the 18th is bad, the event will be postponed to Sunday, the 19th.
In the Nishikata region, the festival will be held on Saturday, January 25 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the rice fields on the west side of "Michi no eki nishikata". If the weather on the 25th is bad, it will be postponed to Sunday the 26th. Please use the Nishikata General Branch Office or Nishikata Elementary School for parking.