> とちぎ蔵の街自主夜間中学
> 第11回開催報告
Report on the Eleventh Activity(20250302)
スタッフからのメッセージMessage from Staffs
五十畑典子(いかはたのりこ、Ikahata Noriko)
今回私は、初めて来た学習者と一対一で対応しました。今までは、スタッフ複数人の中の1人として研修気分でいましたが、一対一となると希望に添うような学習なのか本人に確認しながら進めていても、とても不安でした。言葉の使い方や漢字の書き順を練習する中で思いがけない質問に四苦八苦しながら説明し、ほんの少しでも理解した様子を見ると本当にホッとしました。次回も同じような練習をしたいと言われ、また会えるなとうれしくなりました。毎回参加するたびに、私が学習者から素敵な刺激をもらっています。This time I worked one-on-one with a learner who had just arrived for the first time. Until now, I had felt like a trainee as one of several staff members, but when I worked one-on-one with a student, I felt very uneasy, even though I was checking with the student to see if the study was in line with his/her wishes. As we practiced the use of words and the stroke order of kanji characters, I struggled to explain unexpected questions, and was relieved when I saw that the students understood even a little bit. They said they wanted to do the same kind of practice next time, which made me happy to see them again. Every time I participate, I receive wonderful inspiration from the learners.

嶋田一雄(しまだかずお、Shimada Kazuo)
とちぎ蔵の街自主夜間中学に参加すると、僕はいつも不思議な気持ちになります。日曜日の午前中、そこに集まっているのは、さまざまな年齢、さまざまな経歴、さまざまな目的を持った人たちと彼等、彼女等の力になりたいスタッフです。「夜間中学」となってはいますが、「勉強をしたい」という目的だけでなく、仲間を作りたいとか自分とは異なった世代の人と交流したいという人もいます。そこには自由の空気が流れています。僕の感じる不思議な気持ちは、こんな場所が存在している奇跡に対して心が震えているからだと思います。あなたも「とちぎ蔵の街自主夜間中学」に遊びに来ませんか。I always feel a sense of wonder when I attend the Tochigi Kura no Machi Voluntary Night School. On Sunday mornings, people of various ages, backgrounds, and purposes gather there, along with staff who want to help them. Although it is called a “night school,” some people come not only to study, but also to make friends and interact with people of different generations. There is an air of freedom. I think the strange feeling I have is because my heart is trembling at the miracle of the existence of such a place. Why don't you come and visit “Tochigi Kura no Machi Voluntary Night School”?

Message from Tamaki Matsuo
I was unable to attend on February 16. It has been about a month since I was last there. It felt like it had been a very, very long time. I really miss seeing you all for a long time. I wrote a handwritten letter to the Japanese student and asked the staff to give it to her. I wanted to tell her directly, “I can't go today.” It had been a while since I wrote a handwritten letter, but it was quite a fun time. I felt it was nice to communicate by handwritten letters. Would anyone like to correspond with me on a regular basis?
Twenty-two learners participated today; the flow is 50 minutes of study, a 10-minute break, and then 50 minutes of study, but the use of the break time varied. The elementary school students were playing with origami boxes and ball-like objects, throwing them as hard as they could. They were overjoyed when they hit the target. Most of the adults studying Japanese continued their studies without taking a break. It is impressive to see how seriously they spare no time to learn. On the other hand, we also saw them using the break time to enjoy conversation.
It is often said that an attitude of “learning together” is important in the voluntary night school. I do not yet fully understand what it means to “learn together. However, I think I understand a little about leaning on others. For example, I sometimes support Nepalese junior high school student in their math classes, and she often make mistakes even in relatively simple problems. At that time, instead of immediately telling her the correct answer, I think together with her about the causes of their mistakes. While thinking together about the causes, I think of various ways to support her. I think this kind of cohabitation may be the first step toward “learning together.
One report: A screening of “Nitobe's Dream” was held in Utsunomiya City on March 8 (Sat.). The “Enyu Night School” that Nitobe opened in Sapporo in the Meiji era is said to be the root of voluntary night junior high school. And in Sapporo, people who succeeded Nitobe's intention are now operating a voluntary evening junior high school called Enyu Juku. While depicting the two places of learning, the film conveys various messages about the origin and purpose of learning. After the film, we held a round-table discussion with the people involved in the film. over 400 people came to see the film, and we were very happy to hear that both the film and the round-table discussion were good! We will report more details in the future.
Our next activity will be on March 16.”