> とちぎ蔵の街自主夜間中学
> 交流会開催のご案内
会場:栃木市 きららの杜とちぎ蔵の街楽習館4階の講義室
申込:とちぎに夜間中学をつくり育てる会・代表の田巻 松雄氏に参加希望の旨ご連絡ください。
メールアドレス tamakimmm@yahoo.co.jp
電話番号 090-7731-9345
※詳細はチラシ( 日本語

Publishing a Sinhala study dictionary and organizing social events
The Association to Create and Nurture Evening Junior High Schools in Tochigi through the JICA Project for FY2023 will publish a Sinhala study dictionary (Japanese→Sinhala)on December 20. We will hold a party to celebrate the publication on December 22 (Sun.) from 3:00 p.m.The venue is a lecture room on the 4th floor of Kirara no Mori Tochigi Kura no Machi Rakushukan in Tochigi City. The dictionary will be distributed free of charge.
It is free and open to the public, but due to preparation, please inform Matsuo Tamaki if you wish to attend. tamakimmm@yahoo.co.jp 090-7731-9345. Please see flyer for details. All Sri Lankans are welcome to attend.
Flyer(in Japanese)