> とちぎ蔵の街自主夜間中学
> 第2回開催報告と次回のご案内
Report on the 2nd Activity and Information on the Next Event
The second activity was held on October 27. About 30 learners and 20 support staff participated. This time, the learners were divided into groups of elementary school students, junior high school students (2 groups), foreign learners of Japanese (group), and Japanese. The first session (9:50-10:40) was for each group to introduce themselves and interact with each other. The second session (10:50 to 11:40) was a learning activity in each group. Finally, from 11:45 to 15 minutes, each group reported on their activities and confirmed the next session in plenary Meeting
Currently, many of the participants are foreign nationals. Nationalities include Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, China, Brazil, Peru, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines. There are both children and adults. We have a diverse group of people of many nationalities and ages.
The main feature of this school is to support what each learner wants to learn through one-on-one and group learning methods. The content and method of learning are discussed and decided together by the learners and the support staff.
We used four rooms, all of which were crowded, and it was clear that the students were enjoying learning. We heard comments such as, “It was fun,” “I will participate again next time,” and “I will bring my friends next time.
This school is a place where “anyone can learn, anytime, forever. It does not cost any money. If you are interested, please come and visit us. For inquiries, please contact Tamaki at 090-7731-9345.
The next activity will be held on Sunday the 17th, from 9:30 to 12:00. The activity will be held on November 24, December 1, and December 22.
In the meantime, we are preparing to publish a study dictionary of the Sinhala language of Sri Lanka. The dictionary will be published next month on Friday, December 20. We will deliver it to Sri Lankan learners free of charge. We hope it will support their learning.